Evidence to use for Appraisal Good Medical Practice 2006
Appraisal Forms Form 1 – Basic details; demographics, qualifications, job history Form 2 – Current Medical Activities; where you work, hours, roles, OOH, on call, Meetings Form 3 – The Biggie Form 4 – Summary of discussion and agreed PDP, appraiser fills in, you sign off Form 5 – Confidential section not released in documents but accessible to appraiser and appraisee
Form 3 Meat of the appraisal Supporting documents Each section: Strengths and weaknesses and docs Improvements Development needs Constraints
Good Clinical Care Adequately assess patients condition Arrange advice, investigations or treatment Work within your limits of competence Refer if in the patients best interests Prescribe only if you have adequate knowledge of the patient Provide effective treatments based on evidence Take advice from colleagues as appropriate Keep clear records Alleviate pain and distress whether or not cure is possible Make good use of resources Do not allow your beliefs to prejudice care Prioritise on the basis of clinical need
Good Clinical Care Offer emergency assistance if required Not refuse to treat a patient because of personal risk Be readily available when on duty Support self care Avoid providing medical care to anyone with whom you have a close personal relationship
Maintaining Good Medical Practice Keep your knowledge and skills up to date Keep up to date with laws and codes of practice relevant to your work Maintain a folder of information and evidence drawn from your practice Reflect regularly on your standards of medical practice – in line with requirements for relicensing and recertification Promote patient safety Take part in regular audit, appraisals and performance reviews Respond constructively to the above, undertaking further training as appropriate Contribute to confidential inquires and adverse event recognition to help reduce risk to patients
Relationships with Patients Establish a good doctor-patient partnership Communicate effectively Safeguard children, young people and vulnerable groups Be honest with patients if things go wrong Maintain trust in the profession Obtain valid consent where needed Respect confidentiality and privacy Be fair about ending your professional relationship with a patient if the trust between you breaks down for justifiable reason
Working with Colleagues Respect the skills and contributions of your colleagues Communicate effectively within and outside the team Make sure others understand your role within the team Join in regular reviews and audit of the team Support colleagues Prioritise patient safety and take action if you have concerns Treat colleagues fairly and with respect Ensure adequate cover when off duty and effective handover Take up any post you have accepted; work any notice Provide all relevant information when handing over Be satisfied anyone you delegate to has the necessary skills Be satisfied anyone you refer to is accountable and managed
Teaching and Training Be honest and objective when assessing or appraising Contribute to teaching, training, assessing willingly Develop the skills of a competent teacher if you do so Ensure that students and staff for whom you are responsible are properly supervised
Probity Be honest and trustworthy in all that you do Inform the GMC if you accept a caution or are charged with an offence Inform other organisations for whom you work if you are suspended Be able to justify that information you publish about your medical services is factual and verifiable Be honest and trustworthy when writing reports Provide honest, justifiable and accurate comments when giving references Cooperate with any formal inquiry Act with honesty and integrity if you are involved in research Be honest and open in any financial arrangements with patients Discourage patients to give, lend or bequeath money or gifts
Probity Be honest in financial and commercial dealings with employers, insurers and other organisations or individuals Act in your patients best interest when making referrals and when providing care; declare any financial or commercial interests
Research Put the care and safety of patients first when participating in research Ensure you have ethics approval and informed consent Conduct all research in an ethical manner, with honesty and integrity Be satisfied the foreseeable risks will not outweigh the benefits Ensure patients or volunteers understand they are being asked to participate in research and the results are not predictable Record and interpret results accurately Follow national research governance guidelines Do your best to complete research projects or ensure they are completed by others Follow the research protocol approved by the ethics committee
Health Register with a GP that is not a member of your family Do not treat yourself Be immunised against serious communicable diseases Take and follow advice from colleagues on whether and how you should modify your practice if you know that you have/think you might have a serious condition which you could pass on to patients, or if your judgement or performance could be significantly affected by a condition or treatment