WELCOME TO EIGHTH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES! Ms. McCarthy Room #B102 (610) 627-6684
CURRICULUM United States History Big Business in America Immigration in America A Changing Nation – The United States at Home Global Cooperation and Conflict Political Polarization –The Cold War Civil Rights and Equality – A Continuing Experience Economic Hot Topics – Then and Now * Each unit has projects, online supports/materials active and student centered class-work.
MATERIALS NEEDED Pencils and pens Binder and folder Colored Pencils Black and white notebook Text book: United States History
Getting Prepared for High School 8th Grade Students will: Gather a body of knowledge pertaining to United States History (1877- present). Develop research skills Implement decision making and problem solving skills Develop critical thinking and analytical skills Acquire note taking skills using the Cornell method Develop students’ writing skills Practice oral presentations Be exposed to study skills for larger scale exams
Grading Tests Quizzes Homework Class preparation Projects Class work TOTAL POINTS
Recognition of Parental Support for Education THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT