Be kind to yourself We have spent time thinking about how we can be kind to others, but we MUST always be kind to ourselves.
EAT WELL We can look after ourselves by eating well. Eating well means that we help to keep our bodies healthy. It can mean we are poorly less and it keeps everything inside our bodies working well. Treats can be had from time to time as they can be really enjoyable. ( I look forward to a coffee and Cake when I see my Mum – but I don’t eat it all of the time) What would/should you choose – Pizza and Chips or Chicken breast and salad?
A good night’s sleep helps in so many ways.
If you are struggling or you’ve had a hard day – don’t forget all of the good things. Don’t just focus on the things that you may be disappointed about – think about all of the things you did really well or enjoyed.
If you have made a mistake, then be kind to yourself. Seek support. Think about what you could have done differently. Forgive yourself – but be determined to do it better next time so you can give yourself a real feeling of pride.
Don’t forget we are all good at different things Don’t forget we are all good at different things. NEVER lose sight of your strengths.
Don’t expect tp learn everything new straight away. Do your best everyday – and spot the little steps you make.
Being kind to yourself and being the best you can be – takes effort. You are always worth the effort. We want you to feel Happy and safe in school, but we want you to be the best you can be so you can feel real pride in yourself. That breeds confidence, which helps to breed happiness!
Be honest with yourself. Only then can you truly be the best you can be.