Page 1 The Ecosystem Services Approach and TEEB in the context of German Development Cooperation TEEB Country Studies – Learning from Experience and how to Utilize the Results International Workshop, 21 – 25 May 2013, Isle of Vilm, Germany Isabel Renner Program Implementing the Biodiversity Convention Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Page 2 Biodiversity and Forests: A Priority Area for German Development Cooperation. Biological diversity (esp. forests) plays a significant role in German Development Policy and Cooperation own priority area and cross-cutting theme Strong political commitment to conserve and sustainably manage biodiversity Increased funding: 219 Mio. Euros (2008), 300 Mio. Euros (2010), app. 448 Mio. Euros (2012) German Government (BMZ & BMU) to invest 500 Mio. Euros annually starting
Page GIZ* advisory services Enabling conditions: Building frameworks for implementation through stakeholder dialog in partner countries Developing capacities: Providing guidelines and training courses on how to recognize, demonstrate, and capture the values of ecosystem services Implementing change: Advising in the design and implementation of TEEB related projects and measures Fostering better decision-making: Advising communication, education and public awareness in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem services Connecting knowledge: Supporting networks and joint learning Mainstreaming BES into German Development Cooperation Mainstreaming BES into development planning processes in partner countries * As a federally owned enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government in achieving ist objetives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.
Page 4 What is it? Stepwise approach for systematically assessing, valuating and integrating ecosystem services (ES) into the design and review of development plans, sector-specific and spatial planning, environmental and climate assessments, project development and proposal formulation. What is the purpose? Assist in recognizing the links between nature and development, considering the environmental and economic trade-offs associated with development measures and incorporating ES-related opportunities and risks into the implementation of strategies. Who can use it? Advisors, project staff and development planners in partner countries Integrating Ecosystem Services (IES) into Development Planning.
Page A guide and information are provided for the IES-Approach. Guide: Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning A stepwise approach for practitioners based on the TEEB approach Information material on ecosystem services approach, TEEB, economic valuation, etc. Available in english, spanish, portuguese. French version coming soon.
Page Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning Tailored 2 to 4-day training - based on the Harvard Case Method - that advocates a stepwise approach to recognize, demonstrate and capture the value of ecosystem services for development processes. Trainings have been deliverid in Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Germany, Namibia, Peru, Philippines/ASEAN, Thailand and Vietnam. Theoretical inputs and discussions Group work sessions on ficticious case study Field visits and real world examples Training module
Page Manual for trainers Handouts for participants Training materials
Page This tailored 4-day training of trainers familiarizes the participants with the content, approach and methodology of the IES training. It provides reality-based learning opportunities to understand the challenges and how to create learning and dialog events that facilitate new thinking and enable action. Training of Trainers
Page Partner countries and activities (examples). India: TEEB project Peru: pilot project on IES, PES, capacity building Asean Centre for Biodiversity: TEEB workshops, capacity building, support to TEEB scoping study Brazil: TEEB project, PES, capacity building
Page 10 Financed by BMU, duration 2013–2018 Partners in Brasil, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Namibia, Vietnam, … Cooperation with the Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) New project: Compendium of Methodologies for Assessing and Mainstreaming Biodiversity into International Cooperation OR ValuES: Methods for integrating ecosystem services into development practice. Create compendium of economic and biophysical mehods Communicate application of methods, train and provide advisory services Review experiences, conduct pilots, exchange ?
Page 11 Further information:
Page 12 IES in Practice: TEEB Study to inform Development Planning and Public Investment in the Piura Region (Peru) Outcomes at National level, e.g.: ToR are being used by the Ministry of Environment to initiate similar studies in other regions Ministry of Finance is organizing information meetings for technical staff on ES Outcomes at Regional level: Local government applying for public funding for capacity development in ES valuation in diff. sectors Conservation of ecosystems to secure water provising services for regional capital city as priority measure