VISION “No one Shall Die in Trivandrum for want of Blood”
OBJECTIVE To register 10,000 New Donors in an year by means of donor motivation, promotion of the concept of Voluntary Blood Donation and Repeat Regular Voluntary Blood Donation campaigns.
STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN –FY 11 Building General Awareness of VBD 60 Blood Donation Camps by 31 March 2012 12 VBD Competition by 31 March 2012 40 Educational sessions at School and College level by 31 March 2012 125 Press Releases on Voluntary Blood Donation by 31 March 2012
STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN –FY 11 Building a reliable donor base 60 Group Identification Camps by 31 March 2012 Complete registry of 10000 voluntary donors,1800 repeat regular donors and 350 Women Donors by 31 March 2012 Registration of Club 25 members
STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN –FY 11 Recognizing & encouraging participation from Public 3 Award functions by 31 December 11 Thank you letter after each Blood Donation Camp 5 Interviews with awardees on TV/Newspaper by 31st December 11 4 Repeat Regular Donors Meeting
STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN –FY 11 Intensive Promotional Campaign Banners & Arches Display Distribution of IEC Materials Use of mass media like Newspapers, Periodicals, Radio and Television Printing and publishing of Blood Line Journal-A Journal for the promotion of Voluntary Blood Donation
VBD ACTIVITIES DONE FROM JAN 2000 TO MARCH 2011 New Registered Donors -31314 Voluntary Blood Donation Competitions for Students-112 Blood Donation Camps - 363 Group Identification Camps - 336 Sessions on VBD - 243 Press releases about various competitions –512 VBD press release - 195 Promotion through All India Radio & FM - 14 Talk shows on VBD arranged through visual media for blood bank officers & motivators - 146
VBD ACTIVITIES DONE FROM JAN 00 TO MARCH 11 No: of Donors registered as voluntary donors during Blood donation camps - 6679 Recognition for good Voluntary Blood Donation work from Indian Society for Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology-2 Recognition for good VBD work from Indian Red Cross Society – 2 Recognition for good VBD work from Public Relations Society of India – 1 Arrangement of blood for the needy in FY 2010 - 1098 Survey on reluctance of people to donate blood-6
VBD ACTIVITIES DONE FROM JAN 00 TO MARCH 2011 VBD Poster and `Thank you blood donor’ greeting card Competition were organized and VBD posters were exhibited Approached IT Companies and motivated the executives there to donate blood & promote concept of Voluntary Blood Donation Seminar arranged for Doctors to promote VBD Repeat regular Donors were rewarded (7 Times) Supported the CLUB 25 units in 14 institutions
EVENTS ORGANIZED FOR THE PROMOTION OF VBD EVERY YEAR National Blood Donation Day – 1st October World Blood Donors Day – 14th June World Health Day - 7th April World AIDS Day - 1st December
ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED ON NATIONAL BLOOD DONATION DAYS Talk Shows on VBD in TV Channels Panel Discussion on VBD Installation of Arches Display of 100 VBD banners Awareness Sessions at Schools Candle light Rally VBD Competitions Distribution of IEC Materials
ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED ON NATIONAL BLOOD DONATION DAY-01 OCTOBER 08 Awarded the Best Donor Organization/Best College and Best Industry promoting voluntary blood donation VBD message through mobile phones and landlines Promotion through FM Radio and local Channels Distribution of IEC Materials Kiosks with promotional messages were kept at prominent locations Distribution of VBD leaflets
ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED ON WORLD BLOOD DONORS DAY- 14 JUNE 2010 250 Regular Donors were rewarded 15 Organizations were rewarded 3 Motivators were rewarded Experience Sharing by Donors Paper Presentation on VBD Talk Shows on VBD Broadcasting through the Media Youth Blood Donation Camp Display of Banners
WORLD HEALTH DAY- 7 April 2011 Mega Blood Donation Camp Blood Donation by Club 25 Members Special VBD Contest Distribution of IEC Materials Display of Banners Talk Show in TV Channels
WORLD AIDS DAY - 01 December ,2011 Skit on promoting Voluntary Blood Donation and preventing AIDS Seminar on prevention care and counseling of AIDS Talk Shows on TV Channels on the importance of repeat regular voluntary blood donation Quiz Competition on Blood Donation FAQ on AIDS through Newspapers Aids Awareness through Mobile Phone Awareness Session on promotion of VBD by Club 25 Members
RESULTS ACHIEVED Results FY ‘04 FY ‘05 FY ‘06 FY ‘07 FY ‘08 FY ‘09 Units of blood collected from Voluntary Donors 573 1024 1477 2199 3199 4410 6510 Repeat Regular Donors 38 299 1776 2006 2121 2328 4128 No. of Blood Donation Camps 15 16 40 53 68 98 158 No. of Organizations accepting blood donation 9 17 39 47 59 63 78 No of women donors 72 177 364 616 788 713 897 Average No. of units of blood collected per camp 29 35 50
BLOOD LINE AND CLUB 25 HANDBOOK Published and distributed 18 issues of Blood Line Journal-A Journal meant for promoting voluntary blood donation A Hand Book on Club 25 was published and distributed to all colleges in Kerala
OTHER RESULTS ACHIEVED The Govt. and State Aids Cell had taken initiative to promote VBD Created an awareness on VBD among Colleges and School Students by arranging seminars at Schools and by conducting various competitions Units of Club 25 were formed in 14 Educational Institutions with our Support A Survey on voluntary Blood Donation was carried out covering all Private and Govt. Blood Banks in Trivandrum
OTHER RESULTS ACHIEVED Through the number of articles which came in print media and through the talk shows in TV Channels an awareness was created among the general public The candle light rally, the banners and arches also created an impact We could help patients by identifying donors Due to promotional work we could maintain a liaison with donors, donor organizations and blood banks.
Thank you