Bain Buzz #11 Friday, November 6th, 2009 618.476.7100 ext: 1561 Hello! As you know, we spent the week studying farms. We are lucky enough to live in an area where our children are familiar with farms and farm animals while still being close enough to a big city! As you drive past farms, ask your child what he/she knows about the animal(s) you see and the type of farm it is. Hopefully he/she will be able to tell you some good information! Next week, we will begin our study of Thanksgiving. This will be a 2 ½ week unit. Your child will learn about the basic elements of Thanksgiving: the Pilgrims, the Mayflower, the first Thanksgiving, the Native Americans teaching the Pilgrims to farm, etc. We will use Indian and Native American interchangeably during this time. However, I encourage you to predominantly use Native American, as it is the more politically correct terminology (trust me, the last three years with The Chief as my U of I mascot and the uproars that that caused trained me well… ). Donations Baby Jars! Please send in baby jars for us to make butter. We will be making butter in one of our centers during the next two weeks. Graham Crackers – one box Vanilla Pudding – Instant, one box Pumpkin Pie Filling – one can Quart ziploc bags – we still have plenty of Gallon sized, but quart sized are needed! Cups – preferably those short, clear plastic ones (We are making Pumpkin Pie in a Bag in a center. I will send home the recipe we used after your child makes it) Important Dates W 11/11 No School, Veteran’s Day Th 11/12 MCS Blood Drive Please find additional upcoming dates on my website. Friend of the Week Next week’s Friend of the Week will be Jolie Terry. Jolie is a super role model in the classroom. She is excited about school and is always kind to everybody. Jolie is responsible, trustworthy, and respectful of herself and others. Congratulations, Jolie! I am proud of you Conferences I had a wonderful time at conferences. I truly enjoyed meeting with you and talking about your child. Round 2 of conferences will approach quicker than we think, so please continue practicing school work at home. ***Lunch menus are found on the District Website. Go to the “About D160” tab on top, then click on the November newsletter. The Lunch menu is on page #6. ***Remember, cold weather is almost here. Please write your child’s name in his/her coats, gloves, hats, etc. Also, make sure your child can zip his/her coat…this will make transitions to and from recess much smoother! ***Please see the district newsletter for information regarding snow days and school dismissals.