Vietnam Press Conferences GOALS: 1. REVIEW MATERIAL from VIETNAM HWK FOR CLASSMATES 2. GAIN A CLEAR SENSE OF VIETNAM CONFLICT OVER TIME 3. THINK ABOUT VIETNAM FROM MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES Plan and perform a scene in which the President and/or commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam briefs troops on the “current” situation in Vietnam. Each briefing should include a question and answer session. Presumably the troops are most interested in the fundamental questions: - Why are we here? - How do we win? Use evidence from American Odyssey homework and videos. Groups should use the following terms in their scenes and other information to convey at sense of their time period.
1963 5 1973 (sec 4) Ho Chi Minh Vietminh Geneva Accords domino theory Ho Chi Minh Vietminh Geneva Accords domino theory Diem NLF Vietcong Q 1-9 2. 1965 (sec 1) Tonkin Gulf Resolution Operation Rolling Thunder search and destroy pacification 3. 1968 (sec 2) Westmoreland Tet Offensive Johnson KheSan 4. 1968 (sec 3) Draft Columbia University SDS silent majority Kent State ROTC Cambodia 5 1973 (sec 4) Vietnamization peace with honor Paris Peace Talks “madman theory” Pentagon Papers Hanoi