(Intensive or Extensive) Distinctions in Agriculture: Kuby pg. 220-221 Get out a new piece of notebook paper and recreate this chart below… Need for capital & labor (both intensive) Type of Land Use (Intensive or Extensive) Goal of Agriculture Location Type Use of Water
Grain farming… intensive or extensive? Why? Labor or capital?
Vegetable garden… intensive or extensive? Why? Labor or capital?
Distinctions in Agriculture Need for capital & labor (both intensive) Type of Land Use (Int or Ext) Goal of Agriculture Location Type Use of Water Capital intensive: -heavy use of machines, few ppl. -MDC’s Labor intensive: -large #’s of ppl and little capital. -Usually LDC’s but some MDC crops still require human hands. Intensity (use) depends on price of land and population. Intensive: Large amount of output per acre usually to small plots of land. Concentrated use of labor/capital EX: Rice. Greenhouses Extensive: Smaller output so you need more space. Ex: wheat in U.S or a nomadic goat herder Subsistence: farmer feeds family. Maybe a little surplus. LDC’s Commercial: Farmer wants to profit, make a buck. MDC’s (capital intensive) Sedentary: live and work in one place. Most farming is this. Nomadic: organized movement based on seasons. Land use Extensive. Ex: shifting cultivation and herding. Irrigation: artificial watering (expensive) Non-irrigated: rain happens.
Distinctions in Agriculture Need for capital & labor (both intensive) Type of Land Use (Int or Ext) Goal of Agriculture Location Type Use of Water
Farmer’s Almanac http://farmersalmanac.com/long-range-weather-forecast/southeast-us/
You will create a Farmer’s Almanac for a specific type of agriculture Shifting Cultivation pg. 335 Pastoral nomadism pg. 338 Intensive subsistence: wet rice dominant pg/ 340-41 Intensive subsistence: wet rice NOT dominant pg 341 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming pg. 342 Dairy farming pg. 343 Grain farming pg. 345 Livestock ranching: cattle in the US pg 346-47 Livestock ranching: fixed location pg 347-348 Mediterranean agriculture pg. 349 Commercial gardening and fruit farming pg 349-350 Plantation Farming pg 341-342 New food sources: oceans pg 357 New food sources: cereals and rare foods pg. 358