Do NOW: Whiteboard Talk Answer on board: How do you Close Read?
Reading Literature Like a Professor Close Reading Reading Literature Like a Professor
Four Levels of Close Reading Linguistic What does it mean? Semantic Why were specific words/images used? Structural How is it put together, what archetypes used? Cultural How does this text exist in the world around it
What should you look for? 1. Grammar and Syntax 2. Vocabulary and Diction 3. Figures of speech 4. Literary devices 5. Tone 6. Style 7. Purpose 8. Theme I will look for these!
Literary Response Tips Read the rules for Lit Response Ask questions
Analysis Poster Project Choose a partner Draw two chapters of HTRLLP Re-read and analyze the two chapters Create an outline of each of the two chapters. Then, create two posters—one for each chapter.
What should be in the Outline? Chapter 1- Every Trip is a Quest (Except when it’s not) Every quest must have: A questor A place to go A stated reason to go there Challenges and trials along the way The real reason to go? always SELF-KNOWLEDGE Examples of works with a Quest: The Crying of Lot 49 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Lord of the Rings Star Wars North by Northwest What are the elements of the chapter’s topic Why? Texts used as an example of the chapter’s topic Don’t forget Roman numerals and Letters
Poster Use your outline Create graphics Add color? Use Your Own Artistry, or Publisher, or Paint, or Word
Jigsaw Those with similar posters will meet Determine which poster is most: Accurate Complete Asthetically appealing The Poster owner will then present
Present Your poster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exit Slip What concept was clarified by this project? Three things: What concept was clarified by this project? Which poster was the strongest? What question do you still have?