National work, local impact Graeme McDonald Managing Director
Policy update
Brexit Elections ‘No deal’ civil contingencies UK Shared Prosperity Fund Cohesion and communications
Unsure of timing and impact on FFR and business rate baseline General assumption 2019/20 funding will roll forward to 2020/21 Series of discussions with partners and Government culminating in financial publications or submissions in June/July S/T focus on certainty, stability and flexibility Longer term focus on sustainability Spending review
Future vision Need to focus on the long term as well as ‘surviving’ the spending round Opportunity to bring professional bodies, tiers and regions together around a core vision for the future of the sector Build a more powerful brand and case across Whitehall and Westminster Green Paper responses: Social care & Prevention Summit: future organisations; future places; future communities; future workforce
Develop Solace continuous professional development policy CPD framework: knowledge, skills, behaviours & ethics Improve understanding of the profile and diversity of current and future leaders How to guides: recruitment and onboarding Embed learning in Solace events, website resources and wider leadership and organisational development offer Future leaders
Personal development
Personal development Coaching and mentoring; career coaching; 360 feedback; independent appraisals; action learning sets Skills days: finance; strategic leadership; commercialisation; political skills; elections; role of the NED Development days: aspiring to be a HoS; aspiring to be a director; new director’s briefing; new CEO briefing Contact:
Leadership and organisational development
Leadership & organisational development Long –term individual programmes: springboard; total leadership; ignite National/regional programmes: graduate; executive apprenticeships Organisational development programmes National Leadership Centre integration Contact:
Contact Events: Policy: Personal development: Organisation development: Interim management: Executive recruitment: Graeme McDonald: