Values=Ideology=Party Politics Liberals vs. Conservatives Dueling Ideologies Values=Ideology=Party Politics Liberals vs. Conservatives
Liberal Liber is Latin for free Human nature is good Humans are rational – most people capable living freely Part of this is economic “freedom” – remove economic privilege Rescue people from poverty Protect the weak Competition works best when everyone starts at the same starting line
Liberal Split investors over workers Profits over People Welfare Liberal need active government to give equal chance to all to be free – People deserve many chances – Safety net programs – Kids most affected by poverty Don’t Trust Big Business – investors over workers Profits over People Libertarian stop government from taking away our freedoms to each their own freedom is defined as so long as no one else is harmed or rights violated victimless crimes shouldn’t be considered crimes Keep Government out of our economy as well
Conservative – preserve traditional, customary way of life Human Nature Humans are deeply flawed Neither as intelligent or as good as we think No reason or rationality Original sin Freedom Good like fire – small and controlled is great, can get out of control – since we are flawed, we need strict discipline Economic Freedom is total – no limits – capitalism regulates itself – Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)
Conservative Split Individualist Christian Right Neo-Conservative Pull self up by bootstraps Freedom to compete economically Survival of the fittest Too much government inhibits competition and rise to the top (Cream rises/poop sinks) Christian Right Morality based on the bible U.S. founded on Christianity – need to return to roots Moral majority Less gov’t in economics, more in culture Neo-Conservative Active in foreign policy – need to eliminate threats OK with government involved in domestic policies Constitutional Tea Party – go back to limited gov
Differences Human Nature Freedom Level of Government Involvement Liberals __________ Conservatives_________ Freedom Personal Liberals___________ Conservatives_________ Economic Liberals_____________ Conservatives ___________ Level of Government Involvement