Vocab for the week of August 29, 2011 1. Circumspect – careful; mindful of rules & consequences 2. Improvise – to create without preparation 3. Invidious – hateful or spiteful 4. Lucid – easy to understand; clear 5. Phosphorescent – giving off light without heat 6. Photogenic – attractive in photos 7 .Phototropic – tending to grow toward light 8. Prospect – that which is expected 9. Specter – ghost or phantom 10. Translucent – allowing light to pass through Vocab for the week of August 29, 2011
Vocab for the week of September 12, 2011 Affable –easy to talk with; friendly Edict – an official order Enunciate – to pronounce or articulate Indict – to charge with a crime; accuse Ineffable – unutterable; indescribable Infantile – childish; immature Invoke – to call on for support Provocative – causing disturbance Renounce – to reject by declaration Revoke – to make invalid; deactivate Vocab for the week of September 12, 2011
Vocab for the week of September 26, 2011 Abstain – to not do something Confound – to confuse; frustrate Implement – to put into action Infuse – to inject; fill something Inhibit – get in the way of; hinder Prohibit – to stop one from doing something Replete – filled up with Suffuse – to spread throughout Sustain – to support for an extended time Tenacious - stubbornly Vocab for the week of September 26, 2011
Vocab for the week of October 10, 2011 Aptitude – skill or suitability for Disposition – attitude or mood Effigy – a figure constructed in mockery Figment – something invented or imaginary Formative – occurring at a time of most influence Impose – to forcibly place upon Inept – unskilled; clumsy Misinformation – untrue or wrong information Prefigure – to predict a later thing or event Reform – to bring back to rightness Vocab for the week of October 10, 2011