Learning Chapter 7
What is “Learning”? Learning Association
Types of Conditioning Operant Conditioning Skinner Modeling Bandura
Classical Conditioning Identified four characteristics of classical conditioning
Pavlovian Classical Conditioning Unconditioned Response (UR) Conditioned Stimulus ( ) (CR)
Pavlovian Classical Conditioning must be present no more than before the Extinction
Pavlovian Classical Conditioning Generalization
Types of Conditioning Classical Conditioning Modeling Ivan Pavlov / John Watson Modeling Bandura
Skinnerean Operant Conditioning Basics of Operant Conditioning
Reinforcers A reinforcer is any stimulus which behavior There are two types of reinforcers: Negative reinforcement is different from
Skinnerean Operant Conditioning Immediate Gives rise to
Skinnerean Operant Conditioning Fixed Fixed Interval
Applications of Skinnerean Operant conditioning Training animals Token Economies
Problems With Skinnerearn Operant Conditioning Latent learning
Types of Conditioning Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Ivan Pavlov / John Watson Operant Conditioning Skinner
Bandura’s Observational Learning Modeling Mirror Neurons
Bandura’s Observational Learning Media and Aggression
Learning – Myths or Facts? Sleep Assisted Learning Learning Style What is your learning style?