STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE Board of Education May 2018 Theme B, Strategic Initiative 1A Executive Sponsor – Dr. Charles Foust Initiative Owner – Renee McKinnon
Enhance academic programs to meet the needs of all students STRATEGIC THEME Enhance academic programs to meet the needs of all students Of the xx initiative this enhances academic programs because research shows that the principal leadership is second to teachers Studebt achievement The result of a study proved Instructional leadership most strongly related to higher achievement: high instructional standards, enhanced teacher authority and leadership, providing an effective administrator, teacher school improvement team, fostering a shared vision among faculty and administration for the school
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE Define instructional leadership for UCPS; create and implement a plan to increase the instructional leadership capacity of district and school leaders. Instructional leaders are school leaders, or those making the decisions and managing schools, who place teaching and learning at the center (New Teacher Center, 2017) This is not about one leader. This is about principals and their team of leaders, and how the district supports their efforts. This initiative allows us to create realignment for instructional leadership. This is not new for UCPS we just need to create common language, common protocol for new and experienced leaders. …..
Leadership development Structures Support Leadership retention CURRENT STATE Standards Leadership development Structures Support Leadership retention Instructional leadership-evaluation standards exist for teacher, leaders, teacher leaders District level model of leadership development Meetings and district structure (meetings for current principals, AP, advanced AP Coaching and support for principals Instructional practices about 86 percent of principals remained in their school The School Leaders Network recommends four actions to improve school leader retention: leadership development, on going support for leaders to learn from each other, coaching for principals to reduce isolation
Instructional leadership framework Integrate leadership development DESIRED STATE Instructional leadership framework Integrate leadership development Expand networks Support Leadership retention Research says that 50% of principals….. The team is examining feedback from various sources:TWC, graduate surveys, Advanced surveys, leaders feedback on the draft. UCPS instructional leadership framework Common language for school leaders Defined roles for instructional leaders Network for school leaders Leadership development structures Pipeline of leaders Coaching and support There are 3 specific things-network structures, coaching, leadership development, Strengthen- ongoing leadership development by partnering with HR and Teaching &Learning through the EPIC grant and expand on that effort. This will impact existing peer networks for principals to learn from each other and create new networks. Job-embedded ongoing coaching for all principals to reduce isolation. We have tremendous leaders (formal and informal) and our district had so much leadership capacity so we want our structures to be a balance of support and empowerment from the central office. (School Leaders Network, 2014)
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2017-2018 Performance Indicator Measurement Method Targeted Achievement Resource identification, selection, and purchase Team meetings Agreed upon resources for components of the initiative Leadership development plan for school administrators Collaboration between and within departments; EPIC grant funded leadership development APs Targeted days to meet objectives Calendar of topics UCPS Instructional Leadership Framework Feedback from stakeholders and review survey data Alignment to national model Call attention- By February the team will have a framework that defines instructional leadershi. In 2015 the University of Washington developed an instructional leadership model. We will urilized this model as a starting point for UCPS by personalizing it to be our own. Our themes are empowered, Unity of purpose Continuous improvement Process Systems Get feedback through various methods Make adjustments as necessary Finalize the leadership development plan We are passionate about helping current, aspiring and emerging with our initiative Next you will see the structures and resources we want to purchase to execute this initiative.
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2018-2019 Performance Indicator Measurement Method Targeted Achievement Current school administrators During monthly meetings for current principals, AP, advanced AP Leadership development with application of Leverage Leadership Monthly support with UCPS Instructional Leadership Framework components Determine selection process Aspiring school leaders Monthly meetings (internal applicants who hold NC administrative license) Leadership development w/application of Get Better Faster, Strengths-Finder, and District structures Emerging leaders Monthly meetings (internal teacher leaders/principal recommended) Leadership development w/application of Strengths-Finder and District structures Collaboratives led by teacher leaders (vertical, leveled, content, etc.) Network structures for three levels of the leadership. Call attention to the resources. We expect to spend less than 20K Strengths finder is a tool for self-reflection and an invitation to explore more deeply the understanding of strengths. The RL Self-Assessment is In addition, the STAR principal (Haberman) resource.
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2019-2020 Performance Indicator Measurement Method Targeted Achievement Principal recruitment, selection, development, retention Collaboration with Human Resources Improve retention rate for school administrators Pipeline to school leadership positions Collaboration between departments on rubrics and observation of practice Include job-embedded components to impact quality of internal candidates Student achievement improvements Internal Ready Reports Improve student growth and achievement
Milestone Deliverable or Activity TIMELINE Completed In Progress Not yet started 2017-2018 Milestone Deliverable or Activity Status Complete blueprint development and revisions with initiative team Identify potential leadership development resources to support the UCPS instructional leadership framework. Finalize instructional leadership development plan for current school leaders and the pipeline of future leaders (resource selection and targeted participants) Identify project teams to build a model of instructional leadership based on national model Conduct needs assessment for framework development (feedback, input, review existing survey information)
Milestone Deliverable or Activity TIMELINE Completed In Progress Not yet started 2017-2018 Milestone Deliverable or Activity Status Implement instructional leadership development plans: grant funded leadership development plan for Assistant Principals and other network structures for Principals, Aspiring and Emerging leaders Finalize year 1 and 2 calendar of monthly topics based on instructional leadership framework Communication to leadership participants (advanced AP, aspiring, and emerging) based on criteria for selection Purchase and distribution of resources for sessions and modules in year 2
Milestone Deliverable or Activity TIMELINE Completed In Progress Not yet started 2018-2019 Milestone Deliverable or Activity Status Create canvas page to archive framework, practices, habits, processes, and professional tools. Implement instructional leadership development plans: grant funded leadership development plan for Assistant Principals and other network structures for Principals, Aspiring and Emerging leaders Implement continuous improvement model (Collaboration between departments, monthly feedback) Evaluation rubrics and metrics (candidate quality) Develop sustainable leadership plan between departments
Milestone Deliverable or Activity TIMELINE Completed In Progress Not yet started 2019-2020 Milestone Deliverable or Activity Status Finalize communications for year 3 (calendar, monthly topics, selection) Purchase resources Implement grant funded instructional leadership development plan for Assistant Principals and other network structures for Principals, Aspiring and Emerging leaders Execute instructional leadership development plan for Principals, Aspiring and Emerging leaders Utilize continuous improvement model