Her Majesty the Queen v. Dudley and Stephens
MORE FACTS Taking the yacht from England to Australia in 1884 Yacht capsized 700 miles of the Cape of Good Hope on July 5th 13-foot lifeboat Drawing lots was discussed, but never happened
MORE FACTS Fourth person = a boy named Richard Parker 17 years old, an orphan July 24th, fell into a coma Fell into a coma, and Stephens killed him with a penknife. Dudley and Brooks ate him, Stephesn very little. Spotted land on July 29
Brooks set free Dudley and Stephens sentenced to death penalty Appealed…
Six months in prison
CONCLUSION Set a precedent throughout the common law world that necessity is not a defense to a charge of murder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sljSf7KVlQ