Laissez Faire/ Adam Smith/ Capitalism Adam Smith – advocates free market and free trade Government doesn’t interfere with the market Law of supply and demand determines prices Private individuals make economic decisions Private property and profit incentive
Marx/Engels – Communist Manifesto Profits from work should belong to the workers Criticized the capitalist system during the Industrial Revolution Class struggle Proletariat would eventually overthrow capitalism
Traditional Economy Relies on hunting, farming, farming and herding Bartering Self-sustaining
Thomas Malthus – Population Theory
Urbanization/Inequality Affects much of Africa, Asia and Latin America Promoted by railroad Weakens traditional values Urbanization often leads to income inequality
Primary Source v. Secondary Source
AIDS Epidemic Causes life expectancy to go down in Asia and Africa Widespread in Africa
Ethnic Conflicts/Genocide – Rwanda, and Africa after WWII,
Genocide - Cambodia – Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge, Killing Fields
Genocide - Holocaust/ Nuremberg Laws/Jews
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Political Map – Shows Countries, Cities…..
Physical Map – Shows geographic Features of a Place
Topographic Map – Uses Contour Lines to Show Details
Peninsulas – Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain/Portugal
Sahara Desert – A Natural Barrier that Separates North Africa from the Rest of the Continent
Monsoons - India
Subsistence Farming -Farmers Focus on Growing Enough Food to Feed Themselves and Their Families.
Eurocentric – Near East, Far East, Middle East
Middle East – Oil Exporting Countries - OPEC
European Union EU - A Politico-economic Union of 28 Countries
NAFTA – North American Free Trade Act
United Nations UN – an Intergovernmental Organization to Promote International Co-operation.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC
Fascism - a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, suppressing opposition and criticism
Social Scientist - Economist Studies the distribution and use of limited resources (scarcity) Studies the production and exchange of goods and services Studies demand and supply Studies trade and development
Social Scientist- Archaeologist Classifies artifacts Analyzes radiocarbon dating test Studies ancient ruins
Social Scientist - Historian Use a variety of evidences Examines primary documents Compares society and regions
Monotheism – A Religion that Believes in Only One God
Polytheism – A Religion that Believes in Many Gods
Hinduism Vedas Caste Reincarnation
Buddhism Four Eightfold Nirvana Noble Truths Path
Religions that Emphasis on Harmony with Nature Shinto Daoism Animism
Fundamentalism – Iran Revolution
Green Revolution
Desertification – Africa - Overgrazing
Global Warming
Deforestation/Rain Forest