The Expanding Universe
Expanding Universe Theory States that: The universe is constantly increasing in size All galaxies are moving further and further apart
Raisin Bread Analogy Dough Represents the Universe Raisins Represent Galaxies As the dough expands, raisins got further apart. As the universe expands, the galaxies get further apart!
The Big Bang Theory The universe began as very hot, dense, small particle. Suddenly, it began to expand and cool rapidly!
We’ll talk about this evidence tomorrow! The Big Bang Theory Today, even though the Big Bang happened billions of years ago, the universe continues to expand! No one knows why the Big Bang happened, but we do have evidence that it occurred. We’ll talk about this evidence tomorrow!
Just for Fun!
The Doppler Effect
The Doppler Effect The distortion of frequency of light or sound produced by a moving object as observed by a non-moving person. When the object moves toward you, the frequency appears higher. When the object moves away from you, the frequency appears lower.
The Doppler Effect Sound: When object moves toward you, the sound seems higher pitched. When the object moves away from, the sound seems lower pitched.
The Doppler Effect Light Objects moving towards you appear more blue. This is called a blue-shift. Objects moving away from you appear more red. This is called a red-shift.
The Expanding Universe All galaxies we can observe exhibit a red-shift This means that the galaxies are moving away from us, just like the Expanding Universe Theory Predicted!
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