DECISION MAKING This is a test of speed, not quality Letter your paper A-F Choose the one characteristic under each category that most nearly describes you as a decision maker. Write that number next to the Letter of the question.
When you come to have the important facts about a situation, which one of the following statements seems to describe your action in making a decision. The answer just comes to you. With the facts as they are, there is no need for delaying the decision. You want time to think about it. You want to consult a few more people You seek the final answer from a person whose judgment you respect. You keep changing your mind about the right answer.
B. When a decision needs to be made, which of the following do you enjoy most? Acting upon your hunches. Recognizing the situation in which a decision needs to be made. Trusting your judgment. Discussing it with others to learn what they would do. Thinking about the results of each of the choices. Finding our all the facts. Do not enjoy any part of it.
Very good Good Average Fair Poor C. In general, as a decision maker, you believe you are: Very good Good Average Fair Poor
D. How fast can you make little or small decisions? Extremely fast Fast Average Slow Extremely slow
E. How fast can you make big decisions? Extremely fast Fast Average Slow Extremely slow
F. After a big decision has been made, which statement best describes your feelings? Forget all about it. Only think about it when a similar decision is to be made. Usually forget it, but sometimes think back and wonder if it was the right decision. Greatly relieved to have the decision made. Always wonder if you have made the right decision. Regret your decision and wish you had decided differently.
Scoring yourself Add up all your answer points Write down your total score On the next slide it will tell you what your Classification is, Write down the description on your paper next to your total score.
Score & Classification 0 to 8 Snap decision—a choice is made instantly 9 to 13 Quick—some hesitation, but very little 14 to 23 Deliberate—some decisions are made fast, but most are solved systematically 24 to 38 Indecisive—having a hard time making choices
Answer the following question in your notes Do you feel this classification best describes you? Why or Why not?
Decisions, Decision, Decisions…. What should I buy with my money? What am I going to wear today? Decisions, Decision, Decisions…. What college should I go to?
A choice that is made about things that affect a person’s life. Decision: A choice that is made about things that affect a person’s life. Major Decision: They have long -term effects on a person’s life and should be made very carefully. Routine Decision: They are made on a daily basis and don’t require a lot of time to think through. Financial Decision: A major decision that impacts an individual’s or family’s well-being.
Decision Making Process 1. Identify the Problem: know the problem or questions before searching for an answer. 2. List Alternatives: brainstorm pros and cons for all the possible choices.
Decision Making Process 3. Decide: make the best choice after thinking about all the consequences. 4. Evaluate the Results: this will help in making better decision in the future. What is a Value? Fundamental beliefs or practices about what is desirable, worthwhile, and important.
Consumer Jane & Ed - Read through the two scenarios - Fill out the worksheet for both Jane & Ed.
Identify the Problem- What do we need to solve? Identify resources and collect information- What do you know about the situation? Identify the options- What are the options for Jane/Ed? Weigh the options- How are the above options good or bad? Choose the best option- What are they going to do? Evaluate the decision- Why/How was it the right choice?
Your piece of notebook paper will look like… 1. Identify the problem - 2. Identify resources & collect information 3. Identify the options 4. Weigh the options 5. Choose the best options 6. Evaluate the decision Write this outline on both the front and back
Identify the Problem- What do we need to solve? Identify resources and collect information- What do you know about the situation? Identify the options- What are the options for Jane/Ed? Weigh the options- How are the above options good or bad? Choose the best option- What are they going to do? Evaluate the decision- Why/How was it the right choice?