ex CAT Semi Product Update Business Startup Distributors need to setup the ex CAT Semi portfolio as a separate business from the existing ON Semi portfolio Orders, payments and shipping etc will be managed directly with the ex CAT Semi business entity (please work with your sales contact to exchange the necessary business information for account setup) ProChannel will be used to support quotes, debits, initial order capture, claims (and soon registrations) Quick Facts on the role of ProChannel for the ex CAT Semi portfolio Almost 5000 ex CAT Semi products are available in ProChannel for normal transaction activity – parts are listed under 2 product families CA – Memory CB – Analog Distributors may enter “direct channel” quotes for purchase or “quote for debits” All quotes containing ex CAT Semi product will be forced to USD Create your quote as normal using your regular 5codes Even where default currency is EURO or YEN, after you add the parts and hit Quote – the currency will switch to USD (DISREGARD THE CURRENCY IN THE HEADER BEFORE YOU HIT QUOTE – IT WILL CHANGE!) A quote can only contain ex CAT Semi product OR traditional ON product, not a combination of both – this is system enforced ProChannel will be the system of record for Debits Open debits (open authorizations) will be migrated from ex CAT Semi system into ProChannel The ex CAT Semi portfolio is under review and devices will be added to the ON Target registration program where appropriate – registration requests will not be approved in the interim MPP contracts are loaded into the system for a subset of devices, more pricing will be added through the quarter The following apply order capture… Create quote using regular 5code Follow normal ON Semi escalation procedures if necessary After price is completed, hit Order button Enter PO # and select ship to address When you hit submit in the order, you will receive a pop-up on where you should email a PDF copy of the order. You will receive an order confirmation from your customer service contact. NOTE – Orders for ex CAT Semi product will not go into the ON Semi CSSOP system. You need to email a PDF copy of this order to the right email as listed in the pop-up Email additional questions to prochannelsupport@onsemi.com