Centre for Applied Data Analytics (CeADAR) Industry engagement Dr. Susan McKeever Senior lecturer in School of Computer Science@ TU Dublin City CampUS
Intro CeADAR = centre for applied data analytics and machine intelligence CeADAR team = research and lecturing staff in TU Dublin and UCD Focus is on data analytics Enterprise Ireland funded group
CeADAR Structure Industry steering board/ Enterprise Ireland 3rd levels: UCD (11) and TU Dublin (7) Industry: company members of CeADAR
My role Day job – senior lecturer in School of Computer science Part of my time bought out for CeADAR 3 years ago – started as a CeADAR “collaborator” 3 months ago – became a Principal Investigator
What’s the value? +s Companies get access to data analytics expertise and innovation, education – ultimately more jobs For TU Dublin (& me): - Funding money, “real world” research work, research outcomes, expertise, industry relationships, speaker events, profile,
Industry Engagement via CeADAR: Core research Companies, and CeADAR staff, suggest innovation projects: CeADAR develops the industry prototype/ “demonstrators” – which companies can evaluate and buy Develops working relationships
Example: DataGen - licensed Automatic Dataset generation
Other CeADAR mechanisms for industry engagement Apart from Core research – Other vehicles for industry projects/ engagement: Being in CeADAR help Innovation vouchers Innovation partnerships Industry focused scholarships (e.g Marie Curie) Disruptive technology fund And more..
Industry engagement Innovation voucher – 5K Enterprise Ireland fund these Small but perfectly formed Great for getting practice at how projects are set up and run in TU Dublin ! Good for setting up industry relationships Examples: Hotel: Dataset of “issues” maintained by Hotel staff – prediction model built Analytics store - licensed Data Gen and we extended with an IV
Innovation Partnerships Larger applied research projects Companies gives some cash (20% ish) TU Dublin carries out the research project IP available to be bought by the company E.g Ag Science project “Video monitoring of cattle to spot atypical movements indicating distress or readiness for insemination”
Industry partner based Scholarships Two scholarships for TU Dublin in cooperation with CeADAR this year Marie Curie 500K funding Industry relationships made this possible
For you? Is there a funded industry focussed group(s) in your domain that TU Dublin is involved in ? If not.. Innovation vouchers What are the industry conferences in your domain - be a speaker? Scholarships with industry (e.g. Irish Research Council enterprise partnership scheme for PhDs) What other industry activities are happening in your domain with TU Dublin? (e.g. placements? Project fairs?) Might lead to IPPs, scholarships with industry..
Questions? Dr. Susan McKeever, School of Computer Science