Objective Students will be able to Understand the following words and use them to enhance content knowledge in all subject areas. Design Creationism Concept Evolve Perspective
Week 17 Words Design Creationism Concept Evolve Perspective
Unit 2. 17 - Should intelligent design be taught in school Unit 2.17 - Should intelligent design be taught in school? Can I have a volunteer to read the passage below? "I think that learning about evolution in science class conflicts with my religious perspective," says Matt. "How can I believe that God designed human beings, and also believe in the concept of evolution? I need to choose one or the other." "Many Americans disagree with you, Matt," says Professor Seemy. "They would say that belief in God doesn't conflict at all with belief in evolution. A lot of people who believe in evolution, including scientists, also think that God played an important part in creating human beings. They believe that God started the process of evolution, or guided evolution as it happened." "That's an interesting perspective to think about," Matt says, "but how do you know that 'many Americans' really disagree with me?" "That's a great question, Matt. In science, we should support our opinions with evidence. Let's look at some data!" says Professor Seemy.
How were these words used in the reading? What do they mean? Lets re-read the passage. Can I have a volunteer to read the first paragraph? Can I have someone read the next two sentences? What does Design Creationism Concept Evolve Perspective Circle the word as we explain what the word means.
Let’s Set Up the Experiment What is the Question? What does this mean? What is the Hypothesis? What are the Materials for this experiment? What is the Procedure for this experiment? What is the Data for this experiment? Analyze the data Interpret the data
Data What is the Data for this experiment? Analyze the data Interpret the data
Conclusion Take 5 minutes to answer the following questions with your table. Remember to use the data to answer the second question. Is the hypothesis supported or not by the data? What evidence supports your conclusion? How would you make this a better experiment? I will be around to see how you are doing with the questions.
Discussion Was the Hypothesis correct? What was our evidence supports our conclusion? How would you make this a better experiment?
Was this useful? Did this lesson help you to better understand our 5 words Design Creationism Concept Evolve Perspective Do you understand how to use these words in science now? Rubric 0 – I do not understand WHY we did this 1 – I understand WHY we did this but I do not understand WHAT each words means 2 – I understand WHY and WHAT each word means but I don’t understand HOW to use them in science. 3 – I understand WHY, WHAT and HOW to use these words in Science, but don’t understand WHEN I will use them in the real world 4 – I understand WHY, WHAT, HOW and WHEN to use these words.