Opening * State the Objective(s)/Standard (s)- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. * State the Purpose (Big Idea) – This week’s lessons are essential to building the skills necessary to find background information on a problem and present scientific evidence to support a claim relating to the health of the MS Delta resources. - How are scientific reports structured and organized? How can we compile evidence and claims to construct a presentation of information on the health of local resources? Student reads while I pass white boards/markers
Activate Prior Knowledge List skills necessary for a good presenter of information. How do they stand, speak, and present themselves? Why are these skills necessary?
Vocabulary Words / Categories Volume, posture, word choice, fillers, preparation, movement, dress, visuals, (connect to) audience
Knowledge Targets - By examining models, students must identify what makes a presentation and presenter each effective in delivery of information. They may help make their own rubric by which they will be evaluated later. -Students must practice and be able to evaluate each other as successful (or not) presenters
Body Language & Movement Avoiding “Um” and Filler Words SOUND OFF SOUND ON Posture Volume Dress Tone Body Language & Movement Avoiding “Um” and Filler Words Eye Contact Word Choice Preparation & Visuals Connecting to the Audience
We Do -Students model do’s and don’ts for presenting information.
Work Period (You Do) Agenda Quiet volume with groups or silent and alone In pairs, students will complete the following task(s): Partners will practice presenting information about themselves while writing feedback to rate each other Independently, students will complete the following task (s): Students will examine feedback from partners and come up with own list of critiques and strategies for improvement for themselves. They will set goals to practice these skills to be ready for practice group presentations next week.