Welcome to 7th grade Math.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to 7th grade Math

Ms. Hatcher 7th grade Regular and Pre AP Math

About me This is my 5th year at Wunderlich. This is my 17th year teaching. I grew up in El Paso, Texas (army brat) I have two children a boy (9) and a daughter (13) both attend schools in Klein ISD

Unit Tests and District Tests Daily grade – 30% Homework – 10% Major grade – 60% Unit Tests and District Tests Projects Daily grade – 30% Daily warm-up Quiz Class work Homework – 10%

Math Supplies: Paper 1pocket folder 1spiral notebook (may need to purchase 1 more Later in the year) Pencil with eraser Pencil sharpener Checking pen 1 box of Kleenex 1 dry erase marker Pencil bag (kept in binder)

Textbooks I have a class set to use in class. Text books are available online Every student should have a math textbook to keep at home, or access to the web.

Classroom procedures: Write daily objective in cat tracker. 2. Write homework in agenda. 3. Warm-up. 4. Go over homework from previous night 5. Notes or an activity 6. Begin homework.

Be respectful of others and their property. Hatcher Class Rules Be on time for class and prepared with all necessary materials. Be respectful of others and their property. Follow directions the first time they are given. Refrain from talking without permission. Raise hand and wait to be called on. Follow all school rules. Rewards for appropriate behavior: Verbal praise Positive call or note home to parent Classroom privileges Bonus Stamps Consequences for inappropriate behavior: Warning, teacher/student conference Teacher meeting with student and parent contact D-Hall and parent contact Conference with student and parent Office referral Reglas de la clase Llegar a tiempo a clase y preparado con los materiales necesarios. Ser respetuoso de los demás y de las pertenencias ajenas. Seguir las instrucciones la primera vez que se dan. Abstenerse de hablar sin permiso. Levantar la mano y esperar que se le llame. Seguir todas las reglas de la escuela. Recompensas por comportamiento apropiado: Elogios verbales Nota o llamada a los padres, positiva Privilegios en el salón Consecuencias por comportamiento inapropiado: Advertencia, conferencia de maestra y estudiante Junta de maestra y estudiante, y llamada al padre D-Hall (Detención) y llamada al padre Conferencia con estudiante y padre Mandar a la oficina * Infracciones severas meritaran que se le mande a la oficina, automáticamente.

Daily warm-up is graded every Friday. Cat Trackers are graded periodically.

Test Days: *Tuesdays and Fridays *Students create a study guide for each test by copying notes given in class. *Please go over the notes with your child. *If a review is given, signing the review will give your child bonus points on the test.

Homework Monday – Thursday nights The assignment will be in the homework folder. Should bring home for you to check over. Should take approximately 30 minutes.

Zero Tolerance for Zeros Students who fail to turn in assignments will be assigned Lunch study hall or Saturday school. All teachers may assign lunch study hall as well as Saturday school. Students who receive a failing grade on progress report or report card because of zeros, will be assigned lunch study hall. Lunch study hall students will not be permitted into the cafeteria for any reason. A sack lunch will be delivered to them or they may bring a lunch.

How can you help your child? Help him/her with organization Students can watch tutorials on http://go.hrw.com and http://my.hrw.com Check over his/her homework nightly Encourage her/him to attend tutoring when needed Tutoring will begin soon. When tutoring begins, will take place from 4:00 to 5:00 on Thursdays. Contact the teacher with your concerns

How to contact me? The most efficient way to communicate with me is through email. Email – shatcher1@kleinisd.net

Please contact me with all of your concerns. Conference time: 6rd period 1:47-2:30 (832) 249-5338

Student Success Student Parent Teacher

We are partners!

Thank you for coming! Have a great evening!!