Forces on m1 N T m1 m1g T m2 m2g Forces on m2 What is the acceleration of the system?
Rough surface N T fk m1g What is the acceleration of the system? T m2g
Mass 1 Mass 2 T T m2 m2g m1 m1g What is the acceleration of the system?
y x q mg Frictionless incline N mg sin(q) mg cos(q) q What is the acceleration of the system?
Frictionless A block is released from rest at the top of an incline. Find the final speed and the time to slide to the bottom. N d q mg mg sinq mg cosq q
y N fk q x q mg a mg sin(q) mg cos(q) Acceleration on a rough incline What is the acceleration of the system?
With friction f = mkN = mkmg cosq A block is released from rest at the top of an incline. Find the final speed and the time to side to the bottom. N f d q mg mg sinq mg cosq q
m1 T T m2 m2g sin(q2) m1g sin(q1) m2g m1g q1 q2 What is the acceleration of the system?