Created By Dick Heckathorn 25 June 2K+3


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Presentation transcript:

Created By Dick Heckathorn 25 June 2K+3 Characteristics of Colored Filters 5B2 page 82 Overlapping Color Filters 5C1 page 84 Created By Dick Heckathorn 25 June 2K+3

I. Examining Color Filters Look through red White  R + G + B Red  - G - B Look through green White  R + G + B Green  - R - B

I. Examining Color Filters Look through blue White  R + G + B Blue  - R - G Look through Cyan White  R + G + B Cyan  - R

I. Examining Color Filters Look through Magenta White  R + G + B Magenta  - G Look through Yellow White  R + G + B Yellow  - B

I. Our Color Filters Using overhead, cardboard with slit, diffraction grating and filters on 2 x 4 inch cards examine their spectrum. Provide handout with directions.

I. Examining Color Filters Look through red and green Red  - G - B Green  - B - R Black

I. Examining Color Filters Look through red and blue Red  - G - B Blue  - G - R Black

I. Examining Color Filters Look through green and blue Green  - B - R Blue  - G - R Black

I. Examining Color Filters Look through yellow and magenta White  R G B Yellow  - B Magenta  - G Left with Red

Color Subtraction -G -B Magenta Red Yellow W - G - B = R

I. Examining Color Filters Look through yellow and cyan White  R G B Yellow  - B Cyan  - R Left With Green

Color Subtraction -B -R Yellow Green Cyan W - B - R = G

I. Examining Color Filters Look through magenta and cyan.\ White  R G B Magenta  - G Cyan  - R Left with Blue

Color Subtraction -R -G Cyan Blue Magenta W - R - G = B

I. Examining Color Filters Look through yellow, cyan and magenta. White  R G B Magenta  - G Cyan  - R Yellow  - B Left with Black

Blue Cyan Magenta Green Red Yellow

That’s all folks!

Primary Pigments Cyan Magenta Yellow

Demo Yellow Red Green White Cyan Magenta Blue