Memoir of an outlander Episode 2
What happened to the teacher? Are the student’s happy? Why? You made it through the first day and a new day starts. You enter the classroom. The students are all busy talking about the disappearance of their old teacher. What happened to the teacher? Are the student’s happy? Why?
Describe what you hear and what you in your own words. While everyone is busy talking, you hear the sound of sturdy steps. Someone in heels is getting closer.. and closer… Describe what you hear and what you in your own words.
Describe her appearance in details as well as your first impression. A new teacher enters the classroom with an emotionless face and dressed all in black. Describe her appearance in details as well as your first impression.
You are asked to collect the assignments asked by your previous teacher and bring them to her office. You are scared yet curious. You ask your friend to come over with you. Describe your feelings and what’s going through your mind. Does you friend agree to come over with you? Why?
What ideas come across your mind? Do you ask her? What’s her story?? You take the files to her office and see a photo in frame with a black ribbon on. What ideas come across your mind? Do you ask her? What’s her story??
Another days passes. You are even more confused now Another days passes. You are even more confused now. But you learned something very important today. “Things aren’t always what they seem to be”. Remember: this is the end of this episode. Don’t leave any loose ends unless you are planning to make a twist and connect them to the next episode.