Setting the Mood
A good story will include a settings that is crucial to the story; one in which if the setting were changed, the story would be drastically different When trying to figure out what the setting of a story is, ask yourself these questions: Where does the story take place? When does the story take place? How does the setting affect the story Setting
Where does the story take place? 2. When does the story take place? 3. How do you think the setting affect the story?
Where does the story take place? 2. When does the story take place? 3. How do you think the setting affect the story?
Where does the story take place? 2. When does the story take place? 3. How do you think the setting affect the story?
Mood The mood is create by: The setting Mood is the feeling a reader gets from the story. The mood of a story is created by the author’s use of specific words to describe the feelings the reader has, not necessarily the feelings characters in the story have The mood is create by: The setting Detailed descriptions (adjectives) Sensory imagery Figurative language Mood
Description is extremely important to setting Description is extremely important to setting. It paints a picture in the mind of the reader. Sensory details – words that appeal to the senses Sight Sound Smell Taste Touch Sensory Imagery
“I attempt to lay my head down as softly as possibly on the rigid and unyielding pillow. My head does not even make an imprint on its icy cold surface. It chills me to the bone and I lay awake wondering if I will ever know sleep again.” “The sweet smell of fresh baked bread floated up the stairs and filled my sun-soaked bedroom. My mouth began to water at the thought of grandma’s special birthday breakfast. I heard the murmurs softly in the distance. I knew they are all waiting for me.” Sensory Imagery
Figurative Language Simile – comparisons “like” or “as” ex. The hurricane was like a huge beast trying to devour us. Metaphor – comparison using “is” or form of “is” ex. This sunshine is heaven. Personification – attach human characteristics to something that is not human ex. The wind looked in at the window and snarled. Onomatopoeia – the actual word makes the sound it represents. ex. I heard the thunder crash! Figurative Language