Institutions In general: One particular building: He’s in hospital. The children are at school. She was in prison for theft. The same goes for church and university. They’re building a new hospital. The school on the corner of 53rd and 3rd has closed down. The prison on Alcatraz island is now a museum.
Countries, continents, regions, states, provinces, cities, individual islands --- Brazil, --- China, --- France --- Europe, --- North America, --- southeast Asia --- New South Wales, --- Cornwall, --- California --- London, --- Rio, --- Washington, D.C. --- Elba, --- Saint Helena The United States of America, the United Kingdom, the People’s Republic of China, the Czech Republic, the United Arab Emirates, the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight.
Mountains, lakes --- Lake Victoria, --- Lake Geneva --- Mount Everest, --- Mount Kilimanjaro
Mountain ranges, rivers, seas, canals, deserts, island groups The Rocky Mountains, the Andes, the Alps The River Danube, the Mississippi, the Nile The Black Sea, the Red Sea The Suez Canal, The Panama Canal The Sahara, the Atacama Desert The Falklands, the Orkney Islands
Roads, streets, parks, stores --- Abbey Road, --- King’s Road --- High Street, --- Oxford Street --- Central Park --- Tiffany’s, --- Harrod’s The M6, the A25
Theatres, cinemas, hotels, galleries, museums The National Gallery The British Museum, the Museum of Modern Art The Ritz, The Roxy Theatre, the Whisky a Go Go