inverted order and understood subjects (p. 45) Finding the Subject inverted order and understood subjects (p. 45)
Inverted order = the subject comes after all or part of the predicate The sentences you write are usually in “natural English word order,” where the subject comes before the predicate. (Example: The dog ran to the little boy.) However, sometimes we change things up… Inverted order = the subject comes after all or part of the predicate
Examples Type of Sentence “natural English” Inverted Order Declarative The bus stop is at the corner of Park Street. At the corner of Park Street is the bus stop. Declarative beginning with here or there (*The subject is never here or there.) The last bus is coming. Or The last bus comes here. Here comes the last bus. Interrogative sentence Our train is where? Annie does ride her bicycle to school? Where is our train? Does Annie ride her bicycle to school?
Imperative Sentences The subject of an imperative sentence is always you. Because “you” does not appear in the sentence, the subject is understood. Examples: (p. 46) (You) Meet me at the beginning of the path. (You) Please save me a seat on the bus. (You) Don’t be late! (You) bring the bus schedule with you.
Answer “Try It Out” #1-10 on p. 46 Let’s try it! Answer “Try It Out” #1-10 on p. 46