Assembly We will have an awards assembly every Monday morning. Please join us to celebrate our learning and other achievements. It will take place in the hall from 9:15am. PE We will have PE every Monday and Wednesday. Children will need their PE kit every week. Please visit the school website for details about PE kits. Please ensure that all clothing is named, including footwear! Welcome back! I hope you had a restful Half Term.. Here is some information about arrangements in the year one class and our topics this half term. Orange Class team: Miss Harley, Miss Fava, Miss Davis Clarke, Ms. Davis Topics Over the next 6 weeks we will be following a unit of work called ‘Flowers and Insects’. In this unit we will learn about where flowers and insects prefer to live and grow, how and where seeds grow, and about the life cycles of insects. Why don’t you and your child see what flowers and insects are in your local environment! Trip tp Lloyds Park You will receive a letter about a trip to Lloyds Park on Friday 13th March. Please sign and return the slip as soon as possible. Reading The Year 1 Phonics screening commences on the week beginning 15th June. Please help prepare your child with regular reading at home.