Starter of the day Get out your lino block and finish carving if you have not. If you are done carving pick out at least 3 papers that you would like to try printing on.
Art B Lino Block
Agenda Go over what we did last time Demo print your image on your lino block. Print your lino block images. Fill out the artist statement and rubric and turn in. Make sure you sign and label your relief prints so I know it’s yours on the drying rack.
Last Time We had a sub and you were tasked to finish carving your lino block. If you were not here last time you will need to finish carving and print in study hall next week.
Studio Goal Finish carving if you have not. You will print at least 3 perfect prints. Once done fill out your artist statement & rubric… Make sure you use at least 3 art terms. Grade yourself in each of the areas provided Make sure you read them so you know what you are grading yourself on. Once done if dry turn in everything if not dry turn in artist statement and make sure your prints have been signed and say 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3 on them.