Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corp. Top 20! Things to Watch Out For… Preferred Utilities Mfg. Corp. 31-35 South St. • Danbury • CT
Tank Heating and Insulation No. 20 Tank Heating and Insulation
20 - Tank Heating and Insulation Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) – installed in a cold climate – # 2 thru # 6 oil, heating requirements and insulation of tank Emergency generators – Approximately 40 F is the cloud point of paraffin wax in # 2 fuel oil Thermopump System application Option for Thermopump System is a winter blend of fuel oil Piping - # 6 oil – heat trace the pipe and insulate or FOS, FOR, steam and condensate return lines in a single carrier pipe with insulation
20 - Tank Heating and Insulation
Tank Gauge Installation No. 19 Tank Gauge Installation
19 - Tank Gauge Installation TG-EL-WF, Wire Float Assembly requires 14” of clearance for installation TG-EL-WF offers mechanical testing of the assembly without removal from the tank Vaulted tanks have minimal overhead space
19 - Tank Gauge Installation
No. 18 Fuel Leak Detection
18 - Fuel Leak Detection Underground Storage Tank (UST) – Pipe leak detection requirements, pitch double wall pipe containment to the piping sump on the tank Underground Storage Tank (UST) – Typical pipe pitch is 1/8”/ft, long linear runs could present problems, might require a second sump All tanks –Discriminating leak detector for the Dry Interstitial space of the tank
18 - Fuel Leak Detection
Tank Overfill Prevention No. 17 Tank Overfill Prevention
17 - Tank Overfill Prevention Tank gauging with overfill alarm station Type 2 In-Wall Spill Container with Overfill Alarm Station Mechanical fill line overfill prevention device (i.e. OPW type 61) Vent line with overfill alarm switch
17 - Tank Overfill Prevention
Multiple Day Tank Applications No. 16 Flow Control
16 – Flow Control Multiple Day Tank Applications Install control flow components: Three valve by-pass arrangement for manual operation and servicing, (2) Solenoid valves, N.C. (normal fill) & N.O. Solenoid valves (overfill prevention) Options: Fuel filter, flow switch
16 – Flow Control
Multiple Day Tank Applications No. 15 Overflow Port Size
15 - Overflow Port Size Day Tank continuous overflow system Day Tank continuous overflow system Verify single day tank overflow port size capable to overflow pump supply capacity Overflow port location & high level switch on the level controller Redundant back up – Install vent line leak switch & utilize N.O. Solenoid valves for vent line overflow conditions
No. 14 Day Tank Location
14 - Day Tank Location Day tank above main storage tank – gravity return, overflow port sized to meet pump flow rate Day tank below main storage tank – non-gravity return, return pump system is required, pump flow rate capacity larger than pump set supply system
No. 13 Air Entrainment
13 - Air Entrainment BPRV: Riser piping, install BPRV at the bottom of the riser, set pressure to maintain a constant head to prevent the cascading of the fuel and entraining air Syphon Breaker: Day tank header system applications, can use in conjunction with the BPRV
13 - Air Entrainment Separate the Fuel Oil Supply (FOS) and Fuel Oil Return (FOR) Piping drop tubes in the tank to prevent the recycling of air FOS, 6-8” off the bottom of the tank FOR, 18-20” off the bottom of the tank, add a 90 elbow to direct return fuel away from suction
No. 12 Burner & Day Tank Loops
12 – Burner & Day Tank Loops Burner – Flooded Loop Review piping losses & layout, BPRV may be required to divert oil into day tank Day tank supply at end of loop to assure burners will have sufficient fuel supply Burner – Pressure Loop Connect day tank FOS downstream of the BPRV
No. 11 Fire Safety
11 - Fire safety Lever Gate Valve: Install with a fusible link in the FOS piping to the pump set Fusomatic valve: Install in FOS lines to the fuel consuming equipment (i.e. burners and generators)
No. 10 Relief Valves
10 - Relief Valves Relief valves on pump set– piped into the return line with no shut off valves Multiple tank system with ball/gate valve arrangement, pipe relief valve into pump suction, utilize pump flow switch for safety shutdown
Fuel Oil Return Shut-off Valves No. 9 Fuel Oil Return Shut-off Valves
9 - FOR Shut-off valves No shut-off valves in the FOR piping If multiple tank design recommend utilizing a Tank Selector Valve, preventing a positive shutoff in the return line If tank selector valve not desirable, recommend automatic ball valves with end switches: preventing a positive shutoff with proper alignment and preventing a tank overfill due to improper valve alignment
Vent Line Vertical Height No. 8 Vent Line Vertical Height
8 - Vent Line Vertical Height Main Storage Tanks and Day Tanks Maximum - 12’ of vertical vent line Important - 5 psi rating on standard tanks 2.31 ft = 1 psi 12”/2.31=5.19 psi
Foot Valve Installation No. 7 Foot Valve Installation
7 - Foot Valve Installation Install foot valve to prevent loss of prime if top of the tank is below the centerline of the pump Utilize an extractor fitting for easy removal of foot valve Extractor fitting can be a potential air leak
No. 6 Maximum Height for ASV
6 - Maximum Height for ASV Install Anti-Syphon Valve (ASV) if top of the tank is above the centerline of the pump Maximum height for ASV – 20’ above centerline of pump Above 20’ utilize a solenoid valve for an anti-syphon device
No. 5 Maximum Elevation
5 - Maximum Elevation Bottom of tank to pump centerline: 15 feet Rule of Thumb: # 2 oil, 15’=11.5” hg static lift Allows for line & fitting losses Allows for pump wear and dirty strainer Allows for the unforeseeable design issues
No. 4 Long Linear Runs
4 - Long Linear Runs Minimize linear pipe runs, Ideally design system for a maximum 15” hg at pump inlet (empty tank), utilize your “Preferred Utilities Pipe Sizing Program” tool!!! Continuously exceed 17” of vacuum will cause premature pump wear & failure Long pipe runs present priming challenges Avoid inverted loop FOS pipe runs
No. 2 Fuel Oil Filtration
3 – Fuel Oil Filtration NFPA 110 Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems 2002 Edition, Tanks shall be sized so that the fuel is (1) consumed within the storage life, or (2) provision shall be made to re-place stale fuel or (3) clean fuel.
3 – Fuel Oil Filtration Future NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, 1999 Edition 8-6.4, Fuel Supply Maintenance. The fuel storage tanks shall be kept as full as possible at all times, but never less than 50 percent of tank capacity. The tanks shall always be filled by means that will ensure removal of all water and foreign material.
3 – Fuel Oil Filtration Solution: Preferred Filtration Sets
No. 2 Flow Rate Sizing
2 - Flow Rate Sizing Fuel Oil Loop, Burners – Flooded Loop Series – burners with integrated pumps Burner return line piped into the FOS of the next burner Pump flow rate based on burn rate of the burners in the beginning of the loop plus the pump rate of the last burner, pump set flow 1.5 times the total consumption. Small burners require an Operating Safety Valve (OSV), NFPA code requirement (i.e. Power Flame, Webster, Gordon Piatt).
2 - Flow Rate Sizing
2 - Flow Rate Sizing Fuel Oil Loop, Burners – Pressure Loop Parallel – burners without integrated pumps Burner return line piped into the FOR piping down stream of the back pressure regulating valve Pump flow rate based on burn rate and fuel oil bypass, rule of thumb is 1.5 to 2 times the total burn rate of all burners Back Pressure Regulating Valve (BPRV)
2 - Flow Rate Sizing
2 - Flow Rate Sizing Day Tank Fuel Oil Supply Loop Emergency Generators FOR returning to day tank, size pump set to meet total burn rate Emergency Generators FOR returning to main tank, size pump set to meet injector pump capacities Determining factor for FOR to day tank vs. main tank: fuel oil cooling radiator to prevent day tank overheating Determine duty cycle of pump set
System Design & Integration No. 1 System Design & Integration
1 – System Design & Integration Work with your Preferred Utilities Regional Managers Educate your customers and consulting engineers of the benefits of having a Preferred Utilities system at their facility Integrate the system to offer sole source responsibility. This is to assure the customer the highest standards of product quality and system integrity for reliability Write the specification for the engineer!!!
Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corp For further information, contact... Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corporation 31-35 South St. • Danbury • CT T: (203) 743-6741 • F: (203) 798-7313