Cocaine By ; Galiko, Tyler and Ahron By Aharon, Tyler ,Galiko Cocaine By ; Galiko, Tyler and Ahron
What are the street names for it? Chicken Snow Powder Blow Bluff Birds Pigeons Midgets Bricks
What is it? Extracted from coca leaves, cocaine was originally developed as a painkiller. It is most often sniffed, with the powder absorbed into the bloodstream through the nasal tissues. The elements its made of is C17 H21 NO4 C is carbon H is hydrogen and No is Nobelium.
What does it look like? It looks like a white powder. Its white. The size oz , grams, kilos, pounds, Pills. It smells like
How is it administered? How quickly will it take effect and how long does it last. Cocaine is usually sniffed but it can also injected. When cocaine is snorted the effects last longer, 15-30 minutes. When smoked, the effects of cocaine may only last 5-10 minutes. It takes about 30 minutes to kick in.
What is the orgin. How was it made What is the orgin ? How was it made? What was it used for originally, who made it?
What is the short term effect? Loss of appetite Nausea Dilated Pupils Disturbed sleep patterns Anxiety and paranoia Contracted blood vessels
What are long term effects? Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain High blood pressure, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and death Liver, kidney and lung damage Destruction of tissues in nose if sniffed Respiratory failure if smoked Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected Malnutrition, weight loss Severe tooth decay Auditory and tactile hallucinations Sexual problems, reproductive damage and infertility (for both men and women) Disorientation, apathy, confused exhaustion Irritability and mood disturbances Increased frequency of risky behavior Severe depression Tolerance and addiction (even after just one use)
What are the legal consequences if caught using and selling it? The consequence for using it is your first offense could be 1-2 years in prison A second offense could take a huge penalty of up to 7 years in prison and a fine of 2000-4000$. The consequence for selling it Less than 1 gram: a state jail felony with possible punishment of up to 2 years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000 1-4 grams: a 2nd degree felony with possible punishment of 2-20 years and fine of up to $10,000 4-200 grams: a 1st degree felony with a possible punishment of 5-99 years and up to a $10,000 fine 200-400 grams: a 1st degree enhanced felony punishable by 10-99 years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000 400 grams or more: a 1st degree enhanced felony punishable by life in prison or 15-99 years and a fine of up to $250,000
What is the cost? In NYC: - $3 - $4 per "bump" - $60 - $80 per gram - $150 - $250 per eightball (1/8 oz, or 3.5 grams) Bay Area: - $45-65/gram - $120-180/ball - $16,000-21,000/key
Is it addictive? Yes its highly addictive.
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