Unit 4:4 The Romantic Era
Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834
William Wordsworth 1770-1850
Lord Byron 1788-1824
Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822
John Keats 1795-1821
Goethe 1749-1832
The Brothers Grimm
Alexandre Dumas 1802-1870
Eugene Delacroix 1798-1863
Liberty Leading the People
John M. W. Turner 1775-1851
The Fighting Temerarie
The Shipwreck of the Minotaur
John Constable 1776-1837
Dedham Vale
Wivenhoe Park
Francisco Goya 1746-1828
The Family of Charles IV
The Third of May, 1808
Saturn Devouring his Son
The Colossus
Ludwig von Beethoven 1770-1827
Richard Wagner 1813-1883
Jean-Jacque Rousseau 1712-1778
Immanuel Kant 1724-1804
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770-1831
John Wesley 1703-1791
Chateaubriand 1768-1848