Heliopolitan Ennead: Egyptian Gods
What is it? 9 gods Myth originated in Heliopolis (delta) in 4th Dynasty of Old Kingdom
Atum Re Sun god The “All” or “Perfection”
Shu God of air Held up Nut to separate earth and sky “He who rises up”
Tefnut Goddess of moisture Wife of Shu, mother of Nut and Geb
Geb God of the earth Brother and husband of Nut Father of Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Set
Nut Goddess of the sky Sister and wife of Geb, the god of the earth Mother of Isis, Osiris, Nepthys and Seth
Isis Goddess of magic (good) Sister and wife of Osiris Sister of Nephthys, Seth Mother of Horus
Osiris God of the dead, ruler of the underworld Brother and husband of Isis Brother of Nephthys and Seth Father of Horus
Nephthys Protector of the dead (good) Sister and wife of Seth Sister of Isis and Osiris Mother of Anubis
Seth God of the desert, chaos, evil Brother and husband of Nephthys Brother of Isis and Osiris Murdered Osiris and battled nephew Horus to rule the living
Horus God of the sky Son of Isis and Osiris Won battle to rule the living
Anubis God of embalming and dead