National Honor Society General Meeting - 12/6/18
President/Vice-President Do not forget to tutor at least one time every two weeks Tuesday and Wednesday after school Thursday and Friday at lunch Please sign up on the board before you walk in Please talk to me if you are having trouble fitting tutoring into your schedule!
Treasurer Fundraising Reduce Top 100 price No hours Car Wash Sat, Dec 8 from 8-12 Shifts are expected to set up/clean up Bring decorated poster board for hours .5 hours per board (up to 2 boards)
Secretary Snowfest Tonight! Car wash this Saturday Caroling Practice : Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday at lunch Caroling 12/14 and 12/16 Saturday 12/15: Girls on the Run, Debate, Scholar Bowl ( still awaiting confirmation) Pickleball 12/7-12/9 Basketball concessions Always check the board and if you ever have any questions about events please feel free to contact me
Parliamentarians UPCOMING EVENTS: Snowfest (*today! 12/6): 5 hours Carolling practice (12/10, 12/11, 12/12): 1 hour EACH One is mandatory to attend carolling Carolling (12/14, 12/16): 2 hours EACH Debate competition (12/15): 5 hours Both a volunteering event & fundraising event Girls on the Run (12/15): If you are struggling with reaching the 20 hour requirement, reach out to us. We want to help!
Discipline MUST have 20 hours by December 21st 0-12 hours : Automatic dismissal 13-15 hours : Probation 16-17 hours : Two strikes 18-19 hours : One strike