RELATIONSHIPS RESPECT RESPONSIBILITIES Three ‘Rs’ for the 21st Century RELATIONSHIPS RESPECT RESPONSIBILITIES Welcome and introductions HT @ North Muirton Seconded to SG & PBT From own experience I know that this focus on RA positive impact on children & young people Know that SS role is key Inclusion only possible for some young people with SS input 2
Improving the Odds – Improving life Chances HMIE Report published June 18th 2008 “Characteristics of effective practice in schools that raise achievement for the lowest attaining 20% of pupils… they should be present in every school, in every class and in every lesson.” They relate to….. The quality of relationships between staff and pupils High expectations Opportunities to work collaboratively Well designed opportunities for pupils to be actively involved in learning The commitment to a shared vision of how to improve the quality of pupils learning Effective use of self evaluation for improvement Valuing and empowering staff, pupils and parents in order that they can work together to improve learning Create a climate of ambition and high aspiration for all A clear framework for teaching literacy and numeracy A key to improving the odds – “of all the features the most important was the quality of relationships between staff and pupils”.
Angus Statement of Intent “Our vision….. Is that we are committed to realising the potential of all children, young people, communities and staff by:- Ensuring that Restorative Approaches are embedded in the day to day interactions and relationships between children, young people, parents and staff Read Slide
Respectful and constructive relationships are the starting point for successful learning. A Curriculum For Excellence Everyone has responsibility for literacy, numeracy and Health & Wellbeing Read Slide SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS EFFECTIVE CONTRIBUTORS CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS 5
TWO KINDS OF DISCIPLINE TRADITIONAL Rule breaking Blame or guilt Adversarial Punish to deter Impersonal Affected ignored Accountability = being punished RESTORATIVE Harm Problem solving Dialogue + negotiation Restitution/ reparation Interpersonal Empowerment Accountability = put things right
Activity In your groups discuss what you need when you have been harmed, or had your feelings hurt, by someone. Agree 4/5 points In your groups discuss what you need when you have (inadvertently!) caused harm to someone, or hurt their feelings. Agree 4/5 points
HUMAN NEEDS To be respected An understanding listener To be allowed to have emotions and to talk about them The other person to really understand what has upset me A genuine apology Amends made Support and positive reinforcement Reassurance it won’t happen again To draw a line underneath it Now think about what you need when you have caused harm to someone else 8
Mindset The Restorative What’s happened? Who’s being affected or harmed? How can those involved decide how to repair any harm and put things right?
Restorative Questions 1. What’s happened? 2. What was going through your head? So how were you feeling inside? 3. Who’s been affected by all this? 4. What do you need right now? 5. And what can you do/can be done to put things right?