LT – Today I will make inferences from a text by citing textual evidence. BR – If you were to create a band or become a rapper, what would your name be? Explain why you chose that name. Tuesday, January 15th, 2019
Reminder Inference – An educated or logical guess based on textual evidence and our own previous knowledge/experiences. Inference = evidence + prior knowledge Authors do not always explicitly tell us information, so sometimes we must infer! Textual evidence – the words in the reading which help support our inference. Mr. Burger is eating kale and all of a sudden puts his napkin up to his mouth and makes a coughing noise. What can you infer? Where is the evidence?
Today’s Assignment “Read Between the Lines” “Making Inferences” Read through the examples and answer the questions in complete sentences. Underline the textual evidence which helps support your inference. “Making Inferences” Circle the correct multiple choice answer.
With a partner, create your own inference to share with the class. CLosing With a partner, create your own inference to share with the class.