Sea Mythos II
Sirens or Seirens What are they? From Greek mythology 2 or 3 creatures with the head or upper torsos of women and the bodies of birds 2 stories behind that 1) when Persephone was kidnapped, they failed to help her so Demeter made them birds as punishment 2) when Persephone was kidnapped, Demeter turned her handmaidens into birds to help in the search Sing irresistible songs that lure sailors to them The sailors are drawn to them and crash their ships on hidden rocks
Atlantis What is it? According to legend: An island located in the Atlantic “Beyond the Pillars of Hercules” (Straits of Gibraltar) Locations have been named all over the world, even Antarctica! Inhabited by an advanced race Sunk into the sea by angry gods When? Thousands of years ago (more like 11,000!!) Plato was told a story about some guy’s great-grandfather who had traveled to Egypt and heard it from a priest named Solon Grain of Truth: Many think that the eruption on the ancient island of Thera (now called Santorini) was really Atlantis