Goal Setting Please sit with a thought partner. Templates for today are found at http://jeffersonplc.weebly.com/ .
Comprehensive Achievement Plan All teachers use instructional strategies and initiatives that are grounded in evidence-based practices, strengthen the core academic program, increase the quality and quantity of learning time, and address the learning needs of all students. All instructional staff at the school are engaged in aligning instruction and local assessments
Step One: Identifying a Baseline Think of a particular class of students or one specific content area. Are there specific skills that students demonstrate already? Are there skills or content knowledge that are not yet present for most of your students? (Which Students? What Skill? What Content?)
Some examples From my 4th period class, 9 of the 16 students have organization support included as a part of the IEP. For the last homework assignment, 20 of the 30 students worked on the assignment as a part of the expectation to understand the content. In review of the first assigned essay (lab…), 15 of my students could write A thesis statement A hypothesis A connection between the expected results and the actual results
With your partner: Two minutes per partner. First partner to share presents two minutes, non-stop, some thoughts about baseline evidence that has already been seen in a class or group of students. The listening partner is going to listen during those two minutes, without interruption and then use one of two Mindful Inquiry prompts to deepen the conversation for another minute. “What I heard you say was…” “Tell me more about what you meant by...”
From the groups
Writing a goal: Given the baseline evidence, the content of the course, and the context of the learning, what goal would you write? Practice on template
Feedback: Group of 4 Is it a SMART goal? Does this goal allow you to monitor the progress of specific students? Is the goal clear enough that it allows you to look for evidence of growth and patterns of achievement over time? Is the goal written so that the teacher can focus on their own instructional practices and not only on student behaviors?
Instructional Strategies In the group of 4- Each staff member identifies ONE student What do you want to see from that one student that would indicate progress toward the goal? What instructional strategies can you identify now that will help