Warrick, Austin, Madi, Blake, Rowan Oiler fest Warrick, Austin, Madi, Blake, Rowan
Personal Selling We contacted people by giving out flyers to them
About our event Our event will target high schoolers to come out and have fun, play games, and to raise money for the school.
Advertising We will promote oiler fest by putting posters up about it, go on oiler vison, and go on the announcements to explain what oiler fest is and when.
Direct Marketing We want everyone to come that would have fun. Since its at high school, we will mainly target high school kids.
Sales Promotion We want to inform all of our customers by telling everyone about oiler fest and making it a huge deal for everyone to come to.
Public Relations By having fun games and food to enjoy, we want oiler fest to be the best ever and we want oiler fest to happen every year.