November/December PTO NEWS We had a great fall fundraiser this year and enjoyed taking the winners to a pizza party at Pizza Inn. Great Job!!!!! Also please send in your kids favorite recipes to be put in our Clifdale kids cookbook. Congratulations to Ms. Soung’s class for winning the top class of both Box tops and the fall fundraiser. McDONALDS SPIRIT NIGHT Join us Tuesday, Nov. 13th for Spirit night at McDonalds On East Main at Walmart Clifdale SANTA SHOP will be December 10-14. Your child will bring home the information the first week of December. Students love purchasing gifts for their loved ones and friends! If you would like to volunteer, please email THANK YOU for supporting our Clifdale BOOK FAIR. Mrs. Chadwick said this was a very good sale this year, which means LOTS of new books for our school! THANK YOU also for sending in BOX TOPS! We will make around $350 for this collection! Upcoming PTO Events Nov. 7th – PTO Meeting @ 11:30 AM Nov. 13th – McDonalds Spirit Night Nov 15th– Popcorn Recess Sale Dec. 7th –Photos with Santa Dec. 10-14– Santa Shop