Languages Station Activity Sheets Directions: You and your partner(s) will be visiting a number of stations this block (please note that there is a time limit per station). The purpose of this activity is for you to understand the relationship between languages of the world, the diffusion of languages, as well as the significant issue of endangered languages. You and your partner(s) are responsible for turning in an activity sheet from each station.
Languages Station #1 Numbers! Directions The flash cards on the table have the numbers 1-10 written in different Indo-European languages. 1 & 10 have been identified for you, your job is to determine the correct order for 2-9 for each of the languages. Answer the questions on your Station Activity Sheet before you move on to the next station! Please scramble the cards before you leave for the next group!
Languages Station #2 Endangered Languages Directions On the computers provided at the table, visit the website site Answer the questions on your Station Activity Sheet.
Languages Station #3 Yiddish Words We all Say Directions The flash cards at this table have a number of Yiddish words that are commonly used today. Match together the words with their definitions! Answer the questions on your station activity sheet. Please scramble the cards before you leave for the next group!
Languages Station #4 Languages of the World Directions On the computers provided at the table, visit the website site Answer the questions on your Station Activity Sheet.
Languages Station #5 Origins of the English Language Directions On the computers provided at the table, visit the website site Answer the questions on your Station Activity Sheet.