Remove this white box to use the template NOTE: This is a template. Any headers and text, except the Advocate logo and the background color, can be edited and moved as needed. Select & type over or delete any text on this template for your poster. Some of the words are prompts, but what you chose to say is up to you. These are not hard & fast categories—only prompts; use what works best for your content. Remove this white box to use the template Check the guidelines for your conference and be sure to include the recommended headings. Adjust the headings and content on this poster template to accommodate the guidelines. Words in each section should be a consistent size not smaller than 20 font, Use left alignment throughout. The content should run left to right but can run from one column to another or the line between columns can be removed. Title of Poster Authors Department / Division, Advocate Children’s Hospital Abstract Methods (cont’d) Discussion/Conclusions Follow the guidelines for the conference/meeting where the poster will be presented. Some organizations request that the abstract be included on the poster. If the poster space is too tight, and it is not required, leave the abstract off the poster. Suggested headings for a research abstract: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion Continue with the content from the previous column… Sample & Setting Procedures Measures / Instruments (include reliability & validity) Data Analysis Conclusion section list a summary of the key findings using text. Do not repeat the same information from the results section but put in conversational statements. Compare and contrast study results with relevant findings of others, drawing on broad review of the literature. Report limitations to your study. Depending on the space you have on your poster, and the conference guidelines you may need to include either the conclusion or discussion section or separate the information into two sections. Optional Photo or Graphic Optional Photo or Graphic Introduction/Background (choose one heading term) The introduction should include background information about your topic and key evidence that were used to guide the research or project. This information would be included in your review of the literature from an IRB application or clinical protocol. If you used a theoretical framework that should be described in this section as well. The format of the introduction can be in paragraph form or individual bulleted statements. Figure 2. Description of the figure content, include statistical significance if applicable. Results The results section should include the key findings from your study. They should be consistent with your purpose/aims and analysis. Include information about your sample size and sample characteristics. Use text as well as tables, graphs or charts to illustrate the information. Refer to the table or figure number in text. Include a clear title and legends/descriptions for each figure. Label all figure axes. Implications for Practice Implications for practice include the take away information most relevant for translation into practice. Include generalizability to pediatric practice. Include recommendations for future research needs. Include interpretations of the results or next steps of the project. Optional Photo or Graphic Purpose / Specific Aims / Hypotheses (choose one or separate with different headings and text) The purpose, specific aims and hypotheses (if applicable) should be included directly after the background / introduction. Purpose statement should be general; aims and hypotheses (as applicable) very specific and measurable. Be clear and specific. Write as a statement or research question depending on the conference guidelines. Optional Photo or Graphic Optional Photo or Graphic Acknowledgements Acknowledge team members, hospital staff, including nurses, residents, fellows, office staff and/or mentor who provide ancillary or intermittent care but who do not make a direct and significant contribution to the clinical data. Methods References Figure 3. Description of the figure content, include statistical significance if applicable. This section may need to start or run over into next column because of space – adjust accordingly. For a research study, this section should include the following content: (subheadings are encouraged) Study Design Include this section if space on poster permits. Include only key references listed or used for the introduction. Figure 1. Description of the figure content, include statistical significance if applicable. Template content follows CONSORT statement