What is Aunt Alexandria like?
Short with the kids Does not approve of Scout’s personality
Why does Aunty come to stay with Jem and Scout and who had the idea to do this?
Aunty comes to stay because it is “Best for the family” and we can infer that Atticus is letting the children “run wild.” Aunty wants to tighten the discipline on the children.
How does Aunty feel about the rest of the town?
Aunty feels that the Finch family is better than every one else in town and we know this from how she feels the need to point out their shortcomings and constantly advise and warn others.
What does Aunty believe about heritage and how is she right and wrong at the same time?
Believes that heritage is important and determines how one places in the caste system. Wrong because the Ewells would be considered better because they have lived in town longer and right because of the nature and history of Maycomb as a town.
How does Aunty fit into the world of Jem and Scout compared to the world of Maycomb?
Aunty fits perfectly into the town of Maycomb with her focus on tradition, heritage, and prejudice, but Jem and Scout, raised by Atticus, see the world differently; they see people for who they are on the inside.
What did Aunty send Atticus to do and why does he fail?
Atticus came in to teach them how to behave like “ladies and gentlemen,” but cannot not do it because he does not value superficial manners like Aunty does and also because, as Scout explains, “it takes a woman to do that kind of work.”