Ms. Smith’s Activity Quiz Lets see what you have learned! Click here to begin!!
True or False: The main character in this story is Jack Read this sentence carefully and click the shape that answers the question. “Jack went to the beach to find some seashells. While he was walking, he saw a turtle and wanted to pick it up. He knew he couldn’t do that or the turtle would bite.” True or False: The main character in this story is Jack True False
What is the problem in this story? Read this sentence carefully. Click the shape that answers the question. “Peyton wants to learn how to read. Peyton stays up all night trying to learn how to read by herself. She sometimes will have her mom read to her.” What is the problem in this story? Peyton doesn’t know how to read Peyton stays up all night Peyton has her mom read to her
What does the word, Abundant mean? Read this sentence carefully. Chose the shape that best answers the question. “Joey went to buy video games. He had an abundant amount of money. Joey would be able to buy a lot of video games with the amount of money he had. What does the word, Abundant mean? small tiny big
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Incorrect, Try Again!! Click here to continue!
Incorrect, Try Again!! Click here to continue!
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