Let your friend, Junior, give you a few tips Third graders, I know that… He’s right! You are ready for MCAs! Let your friend, Junior, give you a few tips
All students across Massachusetts take this test. A little birdie told me that you want to know Why you have to take this test? All students across Massachusetts take this test. It helps teachers learn about the best ways to teach you. You get to show what you’ve learned! It was ME!
Here’s a little secret… shhhh Oh yea… look at ME! This is a chance for you to totally SHOW OFF your crazy maddd skilllls !!! This is your time to show off and shine as students. You have worked hard and learned so much. Show it on the test!
But in order to do your best, remember… This is a very serious test environment There can be no talking once the test starts You may use the bathroom when needed You will have a short movement break Teachers cannot help you answer questions Teachers can help with computer problems There is no time limit Even though everyone is not testing, the whole school needs to be respectful of the testing environment. All on the computer You will get a very short break during the test If you need to use the BR, you can ask your teacher No talking during the BR breaks Do your own work Work productively Teachers cannot answer specific questions but can help you if you have computer questions
Repeat after me: Read. Think. Plan. Respond. Check. Read the text and the questions carefully! (QAR) Think about the strategies that help you understand. (anchor charts) Plan your written responses! (use those graphic organizers) Respond to the question and cite evidence (RACES, RAPPS) Check your work carefully! Use your strategies Use the scratch paper Visualize the anchor charts from your classroom!
MCAS week will be a little upside down What’s wrong with upside down? Your special may be at a different time than usual. Your lunch and recess might be off by a few minutes. Just go with the flow and know that every student, adult (and bird) at Stony Hill is cheering you on! All electronic devices are off and away. Must have paper books to read when finished with the test. Your teacher will tell you when you will have RA on testing days. Be prepared for a change! Be flexible! If testing is going longer than lunch & reces, we will make sure all students get their lunch and a break.
Get a good night’s sleep Eat a healthy breakfast Listen up, kids… Your old pal, Junior, CARES about you. So, here are my final tips… Get a good night’s sleep Eat a healthy breakfast Arrive at school on time BELIEVE in yourself (as much as I believe in you) Not the night to stay up late to watch a movie, turn off electronics well before you plan to go to sleep Either at school or at home, eat breakfast. Your brain need fuel for the day. Thinking takes up a lot of energy! Be sure you are on time for school! We start testing right away
Spread your wings and fly! Questions?