איזהו חכם הלומד מכל אדם Adina Broder
At its equator, Mars has a diameter of 4,222 miles Describe a wise person One might say: At its equator, Mars has a diameter of 4,222 miles - Someone who knows a lot of information - Someone who gets good grades circumlocution - Someone who uses big, fancy words gasconading perfidiousness - Someone who went to school for many years But what do Chazal say?
One who learns from everybody הלומד מכל אדם איזהו חכם? Who is wise? One who learns from everybody There is something we can learn from everyone. It could be: Torah A secular subject How to behave
Realizing that we can learn something from EVERYBODY will help us treat EVERYONE with respect
איזהו חכם הלומד מכל אדם Who is wise? One who learns from everyone Through all of these lessons, students should come to appreciate that proper behavior takes precedence over learning Torah. Who is wise? One who learns from everyone