1) How to interpret “Slowdown” RESEARCH: Impact of Chinese economy slowdown on Australia-Asia “Slowdown” in GDP Growth from 10% to 6% -Loss of int’l competitiveness -via: higher labour cost and appreciation of Chinese currency- RMB -Countries highly involved with: India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand -Countries unlikely involved with: Japan, four little dragons, Malaysia, AUS, NZ A New Economic Model for Growth and Development -Change to a higher and more complex development stage -via: 2nd sector to 3rd sector, factor-driven stage to efficiency-/innovation-driven stage -Countries highly involved with: Japan, four little dragons, Malaysia, AUS, NZ -Countries unlikely involved with: Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand -Implications? 1) Investments on R & D- fight for human capital 2) Brand Building- Hisense, Huawei 3) Consumption Patterns- “Crazy Rich Asians” 4) Overseas Investment- Business, Property, Farm, Winery Slowdown: Loss of population dividend, no longer the world manufacturer, deceased profit from export New Model: from middle-income to high-income, from developing to developed economy
2) What Impact? Direct Impacts on Macro growth (GDP) -Dependence/Interaction with Chinese economy (Investments, Trades) -Great Opportunities for Low-income Labour-intensive Countries Direct Impacts on Micro Aspects -Tourism -Education -Labour Market -R & D -Retail Market (Japan, Sth Korea) -Property Market (Aus, NZ) Indirect Impacts -the impact of the Chinese slowdown on other countries of the world, which in turn will impact on the selected economy, e.g., China – North Korea –Korea, China – Malaysia – Singapore SWOT?
3) Marking Scheme- 30 Marks in total Coherence of Argument- 15 Marks in total -5 marks: Understanding in Macro theories and Asian economies -5 marks: Contribution to the Literature (take-away messages) -5 marks: Logic Flow (how your essay holds together and moves from point to point) Originality- 5 Marks in total 3 marks for original work (no plagiarism) & 2 marks for uniqueness Referencing- 5 Marks in total 3 marks for the use of APA method & 2 marks for qty/qlty of background research Presentation- 5 Marks in total -3 marks for grammar/spelling/phrase/word-limit (1500 + 10%)/”appearance” -2 marks for Figures/Tables (either original or cited) ***Word Count (for main text) must be given at the end of essay **Selected country must be shown on Cover Sheet *An Abstract (not counted in total words) is not compulsory, but highly recommended. -selected country? Very loose- Taiwan, HK, Macau, North Korea, Afghanistan, even Russia, will be fine -I will be reading your essay, sentence by sentence, back and forward- if you give me a sloppy piece of work, then just be ready to receive a low mark, your choice.