Poetry Terminology A quick guide
The pattern of identifying rhymes in a poem using an alphabetic code Rhyme Scheme
The pattern of stressed/unstressed syllables in each line of poetry Meter
a metrical unit of 2 syllables Foot
a group of lines forming the basic recurring pattern in a poem; a verse Stanza
a stanza of 4 lines, especially one having alternate rhymes Quatrain
a pair of lines that rhyme Couplet
repeated sounds, phrases, or images Repetition
repetition of consonant sounds in the beginnings of words Alliteration
repetition of consonant sounds Consonance
repetition of vowel sounds Assonance
a word that stands for a sound; a “sound effect word” Onomatopoeia
Comparing 2 things using “like” or “as” Simile
Comparing 2 things without using “like” or “as” Metaphor
giving something non-human human characteristics Personification
a story told in verse, often with a repeated refrain; these are typically about heroes, adventures, or historical events Ballad
The theme song to Gilligan’s Island is an example of a ballad because it is a narrative poem that tells about an adventure.
a 14 line poem with three rhyming quatrains and a rhyming couplet, made famous by William Shakespeare Shakespearean Sonnet
Shakespearean sonnets have a fairly simple pattern (3 quatrains + 1 couplet). With a few simple adjustments, most songs can be altered to fit the structure of a sonnet. The theme song to the The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air television show-->
a sad poem, usually reflecting on someone’s death Elegy
This song from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera contains a beautiful elegy in which Christine sings in memory of her deceased father.